APK Signing

AEE will recognize APK files and app bundles and sign them accordingly with its default key. In order to sign an APK using a custom Keystore, some specific methods need to be followed and are explained in the next section.

Signing with a custom key

In order to sign APK's with a custom key, AEE requires a private key in pk8 format as well as an X509Certificate exported from the same key.

How to create private key

  1. Convert a java keystore (JKS) to PKCS12 format

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore KEYSTORE_PATH -destkeystore intermediate.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12

  2. Convert a PKCS12 to pem format

    openssl pkcs12 -in intermediate.p12 -nodes -out intermediate.rsa.pem

  3. Finally convert pem to pk8 format

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in intermediate.rsa.pem -inform PEM -out private.pk8 -nocrypt

How to create X509Certificate

  1. Read X509Certificate from a java keystore (JKS)

    keytool -list -rfc -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH -alias KEY_ALIAS -storepass STORE_PASSWORD

  2. From the output, copy the text starting from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE----- (including both) and save it as a text file

Configure AEE to work with custom key

Open AEE and Navigate to Settings -> Sign APK's with and select Custom Key. A new page will now open which offers options to select a custom Private Key and X509Certificate. Use it! By doing so, AEE will do the following changes, and now onwards uses the new credentials for signing.

  1. Save private key as


  2. Save X509Certificate as


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