Welcome to the home page of APK Explorer & Editor (AEE)
- A beautifully designed list view of installed applications.
- Explore an installed application or APK file picked from the device storage and navigate through its contents.
- Export and easily manage (install, share etc.) APK’s/Split APK’s into device storage.
- Includes a feature-rich APK/Split APK/App bundle installer (easily pick and install files from device storage)
- Easily extract app icons by single-clicking on them.
- Edit text/binary XML files using an in-built text editor (still, a bit buggy especially when working with big APK’s).
- View graphics, texts, binary XML, and many more.
- Delete or replaces resources.
- Save/Export individual or a batch of resource files into device storage or delete them.
- Decompile dex classes (.dex) into smali files for editing and recompile back to dex format.
- Create signed APK’s/App Bundles after the above-mentioned modifications.
- Resign APK’s/bundles with AEE custom key.
- Elegantly designed user interface with an auto-dark/light theme.
- A lot more.